Sheriffs Office of Terra Australis

Failure of Lawful Due Process Gazette

Failure of Lawful Due Process (Archived)

Your Details

Your nameWe The People
Your suburbPerth
Is there a claim against you ? Yes or no.Reporting further abuse of Lawful Due Process
Is there evidence? Yes or no.No
Date of incident18/08/2023
Location of incidentPerth
Where is the failure of lawful due process ?Claimant Is Absent
DepartmentChild Protection
Perpetrator(s) Details

Perpetrator(s) Details

Perpetrator NameSandra Wybrant
Title and ID numberSandra Wybrant Case Manager. Kirana Larasati. Sophie Papaluca Senior Case Manager . Nick Trahanas District Manager
Email if knownEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Describe the incident. 500 word limit. Please number your paragraphs

This matter pertains to Department of Child Protection failing to have a claimant on an alleged matter and when given Notice to Cease and Desist due to failure of Lawful Due Process, the office has continued. Thereby identifying the office to be completely Lawless and a predator in our landscape.

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